Bad Moon Photos — ariel c. wilson
bad moon_Joel Wadsworth_894F3CA2-8E04-4184-98A2-BAE80D6D0318.jpg

Bad Moon Photos

2021 - Ongoing

Live archive, installation, video, photographs


Install Detail @ Sanitary Tortilla Factory, Albuquerque, NM


Install: Bad Moon Photos at Sanitary Tortilla Factory, 2024, inkjet prints on adhesive vinyl, 4x6” machine c-prints, dimensions variable.


Install Detail @ Sanitary Tortilla Factory, Albuquerque, NM


Install Details @ Sanitary Tortilla Factory, Albuquerque, NM


Install: Bad Moon Photos at Sanitary Tortilla Factory, 2024, inkjet prints on adhesive vinyl, 4x6” machine c-prints, dimensions variable.


Two-minute Excerpt: Moon Eluding Capture
Multi-channel video


Image contribution station: Ipad, kodak 4x6” printer.
Visitors are invited to print their images and contribute them to the wall of the gallery.


It’s nearly impossible to take a ‘good’ photograph of the moon with my cell phone but this doesn’t stop me from trying. I’m not alone in this act. In the Summer of 2021, I began collecting bad cell-phone photos of the moon taken by colleagues, friends, family members, lovers, and strangers. This collection of photographs is an ongoing archive that contains every image that was contributed. In our attempts to preserve and capture through photography, we inevitably reduce and compress the vast objects of our love and longing. An oblong spot of bright blob in a field of black or a tiny spec of white (is that dust?) in a field of blue, the results are perfectly terrible and despite our failure, we can’t help but keep trying.

All are invited to contribute their images via email (@badmoonphotos123<at> OR Instagram (


Contributions to date from:

Olivia Arratia
Melissa Barry
Bryni Balt
Edward Bateman
Logan Bellew
Katelyn Bladel
Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo
Maryssa Rose Chavez
Michael Clawson
Anna Clay
Gail Coleman
Garrett Collier
Kelly MacKenzie Cork
Chloë Courtney
Liz Deschenes
Moultrie Dotterer
Kelly Erickson Albonico
Cambo Ferrante
Emily Fong
Gaylord Paul Garcia
Amy Hallal
Andrew Hallal
Jory Hanselman Mayschak
Vannah Henry
Daniel Hojnacki
Deborah Hunter
Amy Johnson
Nick Johnson
Leanasha Jones
Matt Kowal
Pedro Lapa
Alex Lukas
Allie Mack
Sarah Matthes
Lisa McCarty
Hannah McDermott
Lucy McDermott
Sarah McDermott
Briana Menchaca
Will Meyers
Analise Minjarez
Hollis Moore
A. Ross Morales
Sarah Nance
Juan Alberto Negroni
Alexandra Opie
Kate M. Overton
Melissa Prosser
Kristen Roles
Ayta Samadli
Karina Scalisi
Sallie Scheufler
Dustin Shores
Nick Simko
Ivette Spradlin
Matt Steele
Dayna Stimson
Cassidy Sullivan
Sarah Sweeney
Haileyrose Thoma
Lucas Tseh
Nicholas Valdés
Joel Wadsworth
Alaina Wilson
Maddox Wilson
Jini Wilson
Bianca Wingard
Tyler Wolz
Sue Wrbican
Peter Yeo
Alfredo Zuñiga