The sun is always setting somewhere on our Earth…
Sunset over Turtleback DOme (Webcam), October 14th, 2021, Yosemite National Park, California
… for around thirty minutes each morning and evening,
we can observe it as it crosses the axis of the horizon.
Sunset from Yaapai Point (Webcam), February 3rd, 2024, Grand Canyon National Park, AZ
Through the webcam, we can always find the rising or setting sun.
Civil Dawn to Civil Dusk over Paria Overlook (Webcam), february 10th, 2024
Pixelated and compressed on our screens,
we don’t mistake the representation for the physical.
We look anyway:
to be present
to look slowly
to be elsewhere
to collect artifacts of time’s passing.
composition for Salt Lake City, May 30th, 2024:
Kalaloch Beach, WA; Paria Overlook, AZ; Pine Springs Canyon, TX
2024, live feed multichannel video (monitor, web server and scripting tools, Raspberry Pi), dimensions variable

We observe and collect imagery through webcams located on public lands across the country since. Using a web server and scripting tools, we archive and re-display the ever-updating imagery from these webcams as live video installations, image sequences, and grids. Each camera in composition for Salt Lake City is chosen based on its location in relation to Salt Lake City. This triptych retraces the sun’s arcing trajectory through Central, Mountain, and Pacific time zones; Western Texas, Northern Arizona, <Utah>, Western Washington.
Installation view @ Erosion Gallery, Salt Lake City, UT, May 2024